Photographer: Amit Gosher
This story began with a phone call. They were coming for a couple of day visit in Israel and asked to meet me at the construction site. The story ended with the yard encircled duplex, at a restored building, in which a couple and 4 of their sons currently live; a family that had their dream come true as they made Aliyah and live in Jerusalem.
In between, three years had passed, and with them: detailed plans, email and endless phone calls (thanks to the time differences), quick yet focused visits in which we selected materials, along with my close guidance after construction was completed.
Wouldn’t it be hard for you to work in Jerusalem? That was their preliminary question.
No, it wasn’t hard at all. Even though I would have to drive up and down the main highway and all its traffic jams, the moment I would turn into that quiet street, right by the Saint Simon monastery, and meet the diverse Jerusalem construction team – it was all worth it.
We combined styles and materials – painted tiles, decorated doorways and steel furniture for a Jerusalemite atmosphere, along with a modern clean kitchen.
During that time, the family made Aliyah and rented an apartment nearby. Construction time is complex for every client, but they also had to deal with their assimilation and culture gap, which I tried to bridge. I explained, guided and apologized for the people’s heated Mediterranean temper.
Dark hardwood floors, floor-to-ceiling windows, and a clear white closet, are the backdrop for one of the boys’ rooms.
This is a house that captures the old and the new, a modern design with a timeless classic twist, different cultures and at its heart – one Jerusalem.
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Built by MayaPuna Websites
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