Distinctive Interior Design for a Law Firm
The offices are designed with a high-status home effect, achieved by using materials, colors and textures which together create a unique combination.
At the entrance there is a wall faced with gold-veined black marble, displaying the firm’s logo. The lobby and reception area are combined with a coffee corner and waiting area. To create the required atmosphere, the cabinets are in a shade of teal green, on a gold base, with black seats and shelves.
Unique lighting fixtures, made of brass, glass and iron, are installed in all the various office areas as a connecting element, creating a unique design theme for the entire office.
The office of the senior partner contains a personal work station with two armchairs for comfortable seating, as well as a large conference table.
The power wall faced with rich gold-veined marble, constituting the background for the entire space, and a connecting theme with all parts of the office, is integrated in this office as well. The elements in the room are also emphasized in black, with chairs and decorative objects giving additional color. All chairs in the room are upholstered in velvet, providing a high-status atmosphere, and softening the feeling of rigidity typical of standard lawyers’ offices.
A vista of the city of Jerusalem can be viewed from all the rooms, through windows framed in white semi-transparent curtains, adding to the prestigious atmosphere. Unique lighting fixtures and works of art are emphasized in this space as well.
The other office rooms are all furnished in the same color scheme throughout, with black being the uniting color, including the parquet floor, while green with touches of nude pink, and brass are all repeated in various elements to complete the design.
Works of art by local artists are displayed throughout the office – in the entrance lobby, the associates’ and secretaries’ rooms and the corridors, while natural vegetation provides a soothing atmosphere and ties in with the enchanting view of Jerusalem enveloping the entire space.
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Built by MayaPuna Websites
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